About Hormones for Women before and after Menopause

About Hormones for Women before and after Menopause

Beauty springs from inside

You look wonderful, feel well and the world is yours! However, around your thirties something starts changing...

What appears on the surface directly reflects the changes taking place in the whole body. When we think of beauty - besides the structural reference of the essential symmetry -, we actually think of the state of health. If you doubt about it, think of somebody who you keep nice: does she look like a person who is sick, tired or has any ache, or does she look like a person who is healthy, lively and strong?

A woman's health consists of many variable factors. The selection of the diet, exercise and lifestyle certainly fulfils a significant role. The lifestyle supported by a personal trainer and dietary consultant, observing a tough diet and exercise, lets a person at the age of 47 look 32 years old. But most women simply do not have a possibility to conduct a strict lifestyle.


What is the secret of health, which can make you beautiful and help with conserving the health during a normal or average life? The chemical processes of the body. The chemical processes of the woman's body are controlled by a complex hormonal interaction, each of them plays a significant part in health conservation. All women know the oestrogen to a certain extent, but what is the case with the pregnenolone, DHEA, progesterone, cortisone, serotonine, etc.?

The word hormone originates from the Greek hormo -, which means put in motion. The hormones stimulate and regulate the infinite series of critical functions within the body. Which ones influence the appearance?


The oestrogen is actually a collective term, since it has about 40 metabolites. They have to be balanced for the optimal health state. Any form of the oestrogen regulates or stimulates about 300 different biochemical processes in the woman's body, so its role influencing the women's general health state can be understood. By viewing the beauty from outside, the oestrogens are responsible for the regulation of the quantity of the collagen and elastin (the supporting and flexible proteins of the skin) as well. Upon ageing the production of the oestrogen decreases, therefore the skin becomes thin and inelastic, more wrinkles and sags develop. In parallel with becoming thinner the skin will be much more unprotected against the harmful solar radiation. The hydration of the skin is a multi-billion dollar industry, notwithstanding no woman has been established about that she struggles with the lack of hydration! In accordance with a study made in 1997, during the studying of 3,875 postmenopausal women it was concluded that the ageing women's skin became more juvenile-looking on the effect of the oestrogen-substituting therapy, the collagen level of the skin did not decrease, its thickness, flexibility and moisture retentivity improved. (Archives of Dermatology 1997;V133:339-342).

The oestrogen also has a considerable impact on the woman's breasts. The oestrogens have a stimulating effect on the glandular tissues of the breast. The best example for this is the enlarging woman's breast experienced during pregnancy. As a consequence of the oestrogen decreasing upon ageing the glandular tissues of the breast atrophy or decrease, which provides sagged appearance. It has been proved about the oestriol that it helps with preventing the breast cancer, however, the oestradiol and oestron can overstimulate if it is not counterbalanced with oestriol and progesterone having a sedative effect.


The progesterone regulates the oestrogen levels. Its low level can be correlated with gain in weight, water retention and the symptoms of PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome). The oestrogen dominance or oestrogen prevalence refers to the rate of the oestrogen compared to the progesterone, i.e. the quantity of the oestrogen is higher than the desired one in comparison with the progesterone.

For men, upon ageing, oestrogen dominance can be observed in the same way, resulting in gain in weight, the lack of sexual appetite and prostate enlargement.


It is less known that the testosterone is produced in the woman's body in the same way as in the men. The testosterone promotes the preservation of the solidity of the bones and maintenance of the muscle mass. The muscle mass is determinative for the appearance, since it is also decisive in maintaining the figure, the contours of the body. It is not a negligible fact that that the testosterone preserves the capacity of the heart. Last but not least, it is responsible for the sexual appetite both in women and men.


The dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA slows down the development of fine wrinkles, stimulates the regeneration processes of the skin, promotes the collagen- and elastin production, which results in rebuilding of the new bright tissue.

The pregnenolone accepts the battle with the effects of stress; improves the mood, mobility, concentration ability and memory, strengthens the immune system and increases the general energy level.

Who is nicer than a sexy, glorious, healthy and energetic woman?


The menopause is a natural life stage, in which the level of the female hormones, primarily the oestrogen and progesterone, decreases to a dramatic extent.

By the decrease of the level of the oestrogen and progesterone and breaking down of the balance desired between them, the most different complaints and symptoms come forward to an extent varying by individual:

. nervous system: heat waves, anxiety, depression, tiredness, mood fluctuations, decrease of the libido, night sweats and insomnia.
. genital organs: vagina dryness, consequently pain upon a sexual intercourse
. skin, hair: dryness, growing of the face- and body hair, thinning of the hairs
. cardiovascular system: fast heartbeat, heart pace disorder, arteriosclerosis and increasing cholesterol level
. immune system: increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, increased risk of the development of tumours
. bones and muscles: decrease of the bone mineral density, decrease of the muscle mass
. eyesight: macular degeneration

Oestrogen in the woman's body

The fact that there are more than 300 different types of oestrogen receptors in the women's bodies proves that this hormone significantly influences the physiological processes. It is essential for the health and good general state of health to keep the three oestrogens and the other steroid hormones - particularly progesterone - in appropriate balance.

The symptoms of the low oestrogen level

. heat waves
. irritability
. vagina dryness
. sleep disorders
. bad memory
. night sweats

The consequences of the high oestrogen, and abnormal oestrogen / progesterone rate

. development of breast tumour
. formation of blood clots
heart disease
. stroke
. gall bladder disease
. endometrium tumour
. migraine


Oestrogen levels

The oestrogen level is constantly changing. The oestrogen level of the normal, healthy women usually follows the 28 days' cycle: it is the lowest during the menstruation, and then it fast increases in the middle of the cycle, subsequently it decreases in the middle of ovulation, before ovulation (about between the 12th and 15th days of the cycle). From the 16th day to the 28th day the oestrogen level remains low, slightly increases before the following menstruation again.

The progesterone reaches its maximum on the 22nd day, subsequently it decreases before the menstruation.

During the hormone substitution the hormone dosing corresponding to the woman's natural cycle is important, which requires different dosing in different periods of the cycle, imitating the menstrual cycle.

The three oestrogens

There are three oestrogens present in the women's body: about 60-80 per cent oestriol, and 10-20 per cent oestradiol and oestrone. This physiological rate is applied during the customized bioidentical hormone substitution. The three oestrogens have different effects:

. oestriol: it helps with prevention of the development of breast cancer, it does not entail the increased risk of breast- or ovary cancer attributable to the oestradiol and oestrone
. oestradiol: it has been proven about the oestradiol that its dominance has carcinogen properties
. oestrone: similarly to the oestradiol, its dominance has carcinogen properties

Our customized program aims to restore the optimal and balanced level of three oestrogens, as well as the progesterone in an appropriate proportion. In most cases the initial dosing is sufficient for achieving the objective, however, modification may be needed in the first three months and afterwards.

Application of bioidentical oestrogen

The bioidentical form of the oestrogen is recommended, which consists of 90 per cent oestriol, 7 per cent oestradiol and 3 per cent oestrone. This composition is the most favourable, especially for women over 35, because it approaches the physiological rate of the oestrogens produced normally in the healthy woman's body. During the application of the oestrogen gel the customized dosing corresponding to the changes usual in the normal physiological menstrual cycle is important.


The progesterone is not only a female hormone: it is present both in men and women, and in both genders it is destined for counterbalancing the powerful effect of the oestrogen.

Most people consider the progesterone a female hormone, since it closely links to the concepts of pregnancy and menstruation. It is a fact that the most important impact of the progesterone is ensuring the production of the proteins promoting embedding of the impregnated ovum in the second half of the menstrual cycle. The progesterone also correlates with certain symptoms of the pre-menstrual syndrome, since the low progesterone level is responsible for the appearance of changes of mood, water retention, breast sensitivity, headache.

It is a fact that the age-dependent complaints developing in men and women, such as gain in weight, concentrating on the waist, hip, thighs, insomnia, anxiety, depression, migraine for women, gain in weight, depositing of the body fat onto the abdomen and waist, decrease of the sexual appetite, and enlargement of the prostate in men, correlate with breaking down of the balance between the oestrogen and progesterone, which is general in both genders.

The impacts of progesterone in women

. maintenance of the endometrium, inhibition of the tissue propagation leading to endometriosis
. inhibition of the propagation of the breast tissue
. increase of metabolism, the support of losing weight
. regulation of the blood sugar level
. natural water-away
. regulation of blood coagulation
. stimulation of development of the new bone tissue, it plays an important role in prevention of osteoporosis
. increase of the activity of the thyroid hormones
. mitigation of depression, reduction of anxiety, stabilization of the mood
. support of the normal sleeping rhythm
. prevention of the cyclical migraine
. restoration of the appropriate oxygen level of the cell
. increase of libido

Decreased progesterone / oestrogen dominance

The development of progesterone starts decreasing usually in the beginning or middle of their thirties in women. The decrease of the progesterone development starts much faster by the decrease of the oestrogen production. On the effect of the lower progesterone level the body becomes oestrogen dominant, i.e. the natural oestrogen/progesterone balance breaks down. It usually results in the following rates:

. extremely high oestrogen level
. normal oestrogen level and low progesterone level
. low oestrogen and extremely low progesterone level

The oestrogen dominance causes different metabolic disturbances. The most frequent symptoms: gain in weight, water retention, uneven depositing of the body fat onto the waist, thighs and abdomen. The oestrogen dominance is usually kept in mind as a female problem, although the oestrogen prevalence can be harmful also in men. With the increased susceptibility to the cardiovascular-, as well as the inflammatory diseases the high oestrogen level in men results in breast enlargement (gynecomastia), gain in weight, prostate enlargement and decrease of the sexual function.

Application of bioidentical progesterone

To restore the progesterone level the bioidentical micronized progesterone is recommended. Micronized progesterone is available in the form of gel, capsule or tablet as well. The process of micronisation converts progesterone to tiny crystals, which are absorbed more easily and efficiently through the skin or from the gastro-intestinal tract.

The micronized progesterone gel is oil- / water-based, thereby the hormone is absorbed more easily through the skin and gets to the bloodstream. During the application of the progesterone gel the customized dosing is important, which is appropriate for the changes usual in the normal physiological menstrual cycle in case of women.

Anti-aging medicine for women
Basic personalized therapy, first consultation
- medical history, symptoms, physical examination, evaluation of findings*, therapeutic recommendation, prescriptions (30 minutes)
* preliminary gynecological examination, breast ultrasound / mammography, laboratory results: estradiol, progesterone are required
From 49 000 HUF
Basic personalized therapy, control consultation
(20 minutes)
From 39 000 HUF
Complex personalized therapy, first consultation
- medical history, symptoms, physical examination, evaluation of findings*, therapeutic recommendation, prescriptions (50 minutes)
* preliminary gynecological examination, breast ultrasound / mammography, laboratory results are required (see the list: https://www.drfabianemilia.hu/media/public/Laborlista-noknek-anti-aging-medicina-komplex.pdf)
From 89 000 HUF
Complex personalized therapy, control consultation
(30 minutes)
From 49 000 HUF
Anti-aging medicine telemedicine consultation (video / telephone)
(15 minutes)
From 35 000 HUF

About Hormones for Men


Appointment by prior arrangement, personalized therapies.

Anti-aging for Women

Anti-aging for Women

  • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Bioidentical Oestrogen and Progesterone
Anti-aging for Men

Anti-aging for Men

  • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Bioidentical Testosterone

Anti-aging Medicine

Anti-aging Medicine


